JUDICIARY Latest Features

Budgetary Planning Workshop, Kampala 8th - 9th December, 2014

The Hon. the\r\nPrincipal Judge Hon. Justice Yorokamu Bamwine presided over a 2-day Budgetary\r\nPlanning Exercise Workshop which was held in Kampala  8th – 9th December, 2014\r\nfor the Circuits of Nakawa and Kampala.


One of the Budgetary Planning Process\r\nrequirements is to involve the Stakeholders. In adhering to this requirement,\r\nthe Judiciary is conducting 4 No. Budgetary  Planning Workshops in the\r\nNorthern Region (for the High Court Circuits of Masindi, Lira, Gulu and Arua) -\r\n1st – 2nd December, 2014, Eastern Region (for the High\r\nCourt Circuits of Jinja, Mbale and Soroti) – 4th – 5th\r\nDecember, 2014 , the Central Region (for the High Court Circuits of Kampala and\r\nNakawa) – 8th – 9th December, 2014 and the Western Region\r\n(for the High Court Circuits of Fort Portal, Masaka, Mbarara, Kabale) – 11th\r\n– 12th December, 2014.

Posted 9th, December 2014
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